Ayala Moriel – Arsenal

Perfume: Arsenal
Perfumer: Ayala Sender
Source: Ayala Moriel
Size: 1 mL

Notes: Ambrette (Musk) Seed , Bayberry (Bay Rum), Juniper Berry Lime, White Cognac

Date: 10/13/07 Weather: 65 degrees

Comments: Dead ringer for gin and tonic with lots of lime (made w/ Bombay Sapphire). Evolves to something lime and lightly floral. A little bit of anise and wood at the base. Disappears at 2 hours. Reappears briefly (if sniff wrist and concentrate really hard) as a sweet musk.

Date: 6/9/08 Weather: 90 degrees, humid

Comments: Gin and tonic with lime. Quickly (about 15 minutes) turns lime and quinine. Gone in 45 minutes.

~ by Wendy Wickham on January 20, 2008.

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